What is 351 (0x0000015F) bug check


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The CONNECTED_STANDBY_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP bug check has a value of 0x0000015F. This indicates that a connected standby watchdog timeout has occurred.


This topic is for programmers. If you are a customer who has received a blue screen error code while using your computer, see Troubleshoot blue screen errors.


Parameter Description

CS watchdog subcode

0x1 : DRIPS watchdog timeout. The system has been in the resiliency phase of connected standby with no activators active and no device constraints unsatisfied for too long without entering DRIPS (deepest runtime idle platform state).

2 - A pointer to additional information (nt!POP_DRIPS_WATCHDOG_METRICS)

3 - Non-DRIPS duration in milliseconds

4 - Reserved

0x2 : DRIPS watchdog device constraint timeout. The system has been in the resiliency phase of connected standby for too long without entering DRIPS (deepest runtime idle platform state) due to an unsatisfied device constraint with no activators active.


3 - Component index

4 - Reserved

0x3 : DRIPS watchdog preveto timeout. The system has been in the resiliency phase of connected standby for too long without entering DRIPS (deepest runtime idle platform state) due to an active PEP pre-veto with no unsatisfied device constraint and with no activators active.

2 - Veto code

3 - A pointer to the veto name string (PWSTR)

4 - A pointer to the PEP PPM callback

0x4 : Deep Sleep Watchdog

2 - Metrics

3 -NonDeepSleepDurationMs

4 - Reserved

0x5 : Deep Sleep Power Setting Watchdog

2 - Metrics

3 -NonDeepSleepDurationMs

4 - Reserved

2 See parameter 1
3 See parameter 1
4 See parameter 1


This machine is exhibiting behavior that reduces screen-off battery life. Typically this is caused by CPU activity, device activity, or devices being in an insufficient idle state.