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What is 0xC000CF13

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A sync engine is a service that syncs files, typically between a remote host and a local client. Sync engines on Windows often present those files to the user through the Windows file system and File Explorer. Before Windows 10, version 1709, sync engine support in Windows was limited to scenario-agnostic ad-hoc surfaces, such as File Explorer’s navigation pane, the Windows system tray, and (for more technical applications) file system filter drivers.

Windows 10 version 1709 (also called the Fall Creators Update) introduced the cloud files API. This API is a new platform that formalizes support for sync engines. The cloud files API provides support for sync engines in a way that offers many new benefits to developers and end users.

The cloud files API contains the following native Win32 APIs and Windows Runtime (WinRT) APIs:

Placeholder files

Standardized sync root registration

Shell integration

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